Saturday, June 30, 2012

6.29.2012: amazing sunset

We witnessed a beautiful sunset this evening. We were all bathed in pink.
And then, as Open Studios finished up, we went to my studio and made some mountains. 
It was a good day.

Friday, June 29, 2012

6.29.2012: Open Studios

- .... .- -. -.- /  -.-- --- ..- (Thank You) 

Morse Code Laundry, clothesline, basket, ChaNorth, Pine Plains, NY, 2012.

I've spent the last couple of days in the studio finishing work and spent today getting ready for Open Studios and doing laundry. It's all part of what we do here and I appreciate it. Therefore, in so many ways, thank you. 
Or, if you prefer: - .... .- -. -.- /  -.-- --- ..-

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6.26.2012: veil

Veil, plaster, organza, 20" x 12" x 6", 2012.

A few more mountains were created today, and I also played around with covering some rocks with sheer organza. Then I thought I might hang some of the mountains on the wall, and voilĂ , I made something I'll have to think about for awhile.

6.24.2012: Storm King!

Wahoo! I went to Storm King today. It was excellent. We saw huge sculptures and got some exercise. And, I finally got to see Andy Goldsworthy's Wall.

Friday, June 22, 2012

6.22.2012: red clouds at night

We worked on the farm today and got back to the house just before a big thunderstorm blew through. This evening is quiet and crickety while we catch fireflies and enjoy the sunset. The view above is across the field next to the house.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

6.21.2012: cardu mountains

Two different versions of the beginning of the Cardu Mountain Range.

Cardu Mountains, cardboard, duct tape, plaster, 27" x 11" x 7" overall, dimensions variable for each, 2012.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

6.19.2012: mtn lines

Mtn Lines, wood, 168" x 22" x 36", ChaNorth, Pine Plains, NY, 2012.

Today was full of many tinkering failures, large and small, but in the golden light this evening, I may have found an inkling of something better. Once again, the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts. And, whether I am conscious of them at the time, I keep exploring the same things:  multiples, some sort of landscape/hillock/mountain form, and the interaction with a location. When I put those three big L-shapes together and photographed the result, I also found a relationship to the old building and the power lines in the background, which was unexpected, and puts a nice conceptual twist to the sculpture's leaning form. It may be a mountain out of a molehill, or a molehill out of a mountain, in  this case, but it's something for now.

p.s. I also like the pun-ny title (Mtn Lines...i.e. mountain lions), although I haven't seen or heard any around here. Only coyotes and owls. And, the light really is golden right before sunset around here--we've been calling it the magic hour.

6.18.2012: standing space

Standing Space, performance for video, wood, 90" x 36" x 36", 2012.

6.16.2012: Tivoli Bays hike

Today, a short hike in Tivoli Bays Park, near the Hudson River.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

6.15.2012: The Met

I took a quick trip to NYC and wandered around town with my cousin. We stopped at the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see Tomas Saraceno's Cloud City on the roof.

The rooftop view of Central Park and Manhattan.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6.13.2012: growing similarities

It rained all day yesterday, and into the night. When I got up this morning, drops were hanging all over the dill growing next to my studio.

Band-Aids Buds, detail, tree, yarn, Pine Plains, NY, 2012.

This afternoon, while walking through the woods, I came across a tree that had a line of dead branches all pointing in the same direction (down the hill), so thought I would help it out a little.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

6.8.2012: weighty issues

Cloud elevators, cotton batting, wood, (top), organza, wood (bottom), 2012

I spent the morning playing around with my little wooden stands/boxes today, as I continue to think about elevated landscapes.

6.7.2012: monumental weeds

I took a walk in the field and woods nearby and was inspired by the tall, straight weeds. It's all a matter of perspective.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

6.7.2012: farm day

This morning, we worked in the Victory Gardens at McEnroe Organic Farm. It was foggy when we arrived, but cleared up by the time we were done transplanting squash and cucumbers in the cold frames. Below are some of the lovely lettuce and tomatoes they are growing.

Then, we went out to the Victory Gardens to plant beans and corn and weed the strawberries. Before I was done, my hiking boots finally kicked the bucket:

6.6.2012: hanging a bit o' sun out to dry

Sun pods, wool yarn, clothespins, clothesline, 2012, chaNorth, Pine Plains, NY.
It's been cloudy and chilly, and I was looking for whimsical ways to make it warm and sunny. Not long after this, the sun came out.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

6.5.2012: buildings and landscapes

I haven't posted in awhile, and thought I might get back to it. I have been thinking about landscapes lately. Iceland rocks and hillocks are still rattling around in my head. Mix that in with the Virginia coast where houses on stilts battle occasional hurricanes, and images of High Line Park in NYC. Add a desire to continue reading Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities and give it all a shake.

So, I'm contemplating altered and elevated landscapes and ways we might interact with them. Here's a model of one bare bones permutation from today (my first full day at chaNorth artist residency):