Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9.29.2010: day 216

A little found wire drawing.
(It's tie wire for securing tar paper cylinders for investment mold-making...
in case you were wondering...)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9.28.2010: day 215

I spent most of the day setting up welding equipment, and accidentally made a little found sculpture along the way. Hee. Or maybe they're just collections. Either way, I'm easily entertained.

Monday, September 27, 2010

9.27.2010: day 214

Tonight, I actually made dinner. (It happens on occasion, when I'm feeling saucy.) On the menu: spaghetti. (Well, I used macaroni instead of spaghetti, but you know what I mean.)
My point is: I like the pearlescent rainbow sheen on the bottom of the noodle pot.

9.26.2010: day 213

I have to say, I was at a loss for what to photograph today (after such an entertaining weekend!) I was tired and only half-way watching tv when I remembered I hadn't taken a photo yet. The show on pbs happened to be about snails, umm...yeah...
So, yep...that's right. There you have it. The call of the wild.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

9.25.2010: day 212

Thinking about the paste ups from yesterday, and about being a superhero or iconic figure, I had to include "Wonderful You" by Jane Hammond, at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. And, after checking out the artwork, my uncle and I appreciated the photographic possibilities of the staircase.

 Then, because Julie and I talked about it yesterday, I spontaneously decided to join her urban safari. (What a great idea, Julie!) She found eagles on the statue in Logan Circle and a seahorse above a brownstone door. I found lions at the NMWA, and elephants at a thai place in Alexandria. The tables were carved in high relief jungle scenes and covered in glass, like a shadowbox.

9.24.2010: day 211

Washington DC! I met up with my friend Julie and some of her friends. 
Here are some of the paste ups we found in Julie's neighborhood.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

9.19.2010: day 206

A quiet cup o' tea in the evening.
"The whole life of man is but a point of time; let us enjoy it."- Plutarch, 46 AD - 120 AD
(So sayeth my tea tag.)
(Oh, and the mug is by Marlene Jack, in case you were wondering.)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

2.18.2010: day 205

Eggplants, tomatoes, beans, and gourds.
I spent quite a bit of time wandering around outside today. Beautiful.
At the farmer's market, I bought some apples for eating and for applesauce making, some peaches, some cider, and ginger cookies, and then had to stop. Everything looks amazing.

9.17.2010: day 204

I went to an talk and opening reception at the Muscarelle Museum tonight. Photographer David Brashear spoke about his love of architecture and talked about light created shifting patterns and textures. As I walked back to my office, past the unassuming loading dock and dumpster area I walk by every day...I was struck by the geometries and textures of this spot.

9.16.2010: day 203

(I like how the top one looks like a figure, and how sculptural the bottom one is.)

9.15.2010: day 202

Tall trees. Straight up. The sun competed for the view.

9.14.2010: day 201

I was driving home from work and had to pull over to take this photo. The light goes so quickly; it slips away and is suddenly gone. So I knew I had to stop, even though I was only two minutes from home. Lovely. I stood there, in the parking lot, and watched it go.

9.13.2010: day 200


Sunday, September 12, 2010

9.12.2010: day 199

I went to the VMFA today and got to see some excellent work,
including Jun Kaneko's ceramic sculptures and an exhibition of photography and new media
in South Africa since 1950.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9.11.2010: day 198

I took a little walk on this bright, clear, cooler (77 degree) day. Had a nice lunch with a friend, and wandered home, remembering past 9/11s. I decided to stop and get one of my long time favorite things-- daiquiri ice sorbet. I've liked it since I was a kid, and somehow it seemed a good idea today. Remembering the good things along with the heartbreaking. Hear here.

Friday, September 10, 2010

9.10.2010: day 197

Lovely sunflowers to brighten my day.
I get the feeling that sunflower is talking to itself... Hee.

9.9.2010: day 196

Fire alarm and shadows.

I went to the reception for the Place Space exhibition I'm in (with Jayson Lowery, Ed Pollard, and Solomon Isekeije) at Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk. When I walked into the gallery, I saw these shadows on the wall in between Ed's work and mine. The grass creating the shadows mimicks flames. Nice.

9.8.2010: day 195


Monday, September 6, 2010

9.6.2010: day 193

I was just thinking about absence and intersections. (I'd been brainstorming a new artwork/performance with an old friend.) And as I left work, bam. Look at that.
Right in front of me. Perfect.

And, I have to say, it happened earlier, too.
Less than half an hour before, the ink in my pen faded as I wrote the word absence...

9.5.2010: day 192

Laundromat sky.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

9.4.2010: day 191

When I woke up this morning, a huge moth was in my window. He had perished, trapped between the window and the screen. Sorry big guy. He's pretty amazing. Look at those antennae!

9.3.2010: day 190

Bright lights, big city? Bright, but not that big...
A couple of us took a drive to an exhibition opening this evening.
Nearby, a ball game was going on. Folks sounded like they were having a good time. We did- the reception was packed. I saw some people I knew, and many I didn't. Enjoyed it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

9.2.2010: day 189

I cleaned out some files at work and came across a bunch of old polaroids documenting damaged artwork. It looked pretty bad. I'm glad I haven't had to open a package like that (yet).

9.1.2010: day 188

Radiator closeup.
It's been quite awhile since I've had to turn up the heat!

8.31.2010: day 187

One of my favorite colors.

8.30.2010: day 186

I nearly forgot to take a photograph again today. Woke up in the middle of the night and took this. I don't know why I like my bathroom window so much. I guess it's the way it frames the view. I look out the window, above the curtain, and see the sky, and sometimes the top of the crepe myrtle in my yard. It's a nice little view, even in the middle of the night.